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Kris Gardener, Naturopath, Melbourne Wellness Coaching

Executive Health Coach

I'm a qualified naturopath, health coach, educator and ERT practitioner. I work with the award winning and truly personalised nutrition program, Metabolic Balance, to assist my clients with hormone imbalances at various stages of their lives, gut & digestive issues, and men's health in their 40's and 50's. I offer video and phone consultations to clients all over the world.


Ashleigh McCloskey


Ashleigh is a Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist with a key focus on metabolic health, digestive issues and preventative medicine. At Whealth Naturopathy we believe that health is wealth and have a keen interest in helping restore your vitality and setting you up for long term health. If you're experiencing chronic stress, fatigue, stubborn weight, and a general decline in your overall health, we're here to help.