Anita Montersino



Kinesiologist Naturopath Nutritionist

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

Clinic Address

  • Labrador, QLD 4215
  • Australia
  • Full address available after making a booking.

Business Registration Details

  • Business Registration Number: 360031929899
Map Not Available


Hello I am Anita and I deal with women who struggle with energy, sleep and sudden weight gain. I use a thyroflex to accurately test your Thyroid (engine) and check in with the hormones that follow the thyroid. I use an AO scan to improve focus, concentration and emotional intelligence for mental wellbeing. Programs are available those struggling with hashimoto's, peri/post menopause (for zest) and thyroid/adrenal disorders. Manipulative Muscle Therapy is very efficient for scoliosis, whiplash injuries and tailbone issues. Aches, pain and sprains a speciality! My background as a Naturopath is a combination of ayurveda, chinese and western medicine. Remedial Therapist, Sports therapist and post graduate yoga. I have been in practise for over 20 years and still loving it!