Emma Lees

Emma Lees

Registered Nurse

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

Clinic Address

  • Full address available after making a booking.

Business Registration Details

  • Emma Lees
  • ABN/ACN: 96876860670
Map Not Available


I am a registered nurse, with a graduate diploma in Cosmetic nursing and injectables. I enjoy helping my patients' reach their Aesthetic goals. I provide both cosmetic nursing and dermal skin therapies. Including IPL hair removal and skin needling services.
I work part time as a Registered Nurse in both the Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Unit, but my passion is cosmetic nursing. I've been a nurse for nearly 5 years, I enjoy helping people and educating my patients about their treatments as I go.

I have 3 beautiful children with my partner and 3 gorgeous and spirited dogs. I love learning new things, reading and keeping healthy and fit.