Jadine Hanys BHSc Nutritional Medicine
Jadine has a keen interest in gut health, chronic skin conditions, holistic sports nutrition, female hormone health and fertility & mental health.
(visit www.alchemical.com.au to find out more)
Jadine takes a whole person-centred approach. There is no cure all, no one 'diet' that fixes all.
Many myths surround nutrition, and many external influences affect our food choices. Jadine provides nutritional advice based upon the latest scientific research and her client’s personal health goals.
Jadine will provide the tools and knowledge to 'nourish yourself to vitality' through sustainable practices tailored to you. With simple, realistic, non-restrictive recommendations to achieve your health goals.
Her approach is to identify the root cause of illness with a full health assessment utilising functional pathology testing where applicable and considering possible environmental exposure.
Jadine believes education and knowledge are key to empowering her clients to make long term positive changes towards optimal health.
Testing includes but isn’t limited to;
Hormone profiling – DUTCH hormone testing
Allergy / Food sensitivities
Gut microbiome
Macro/micro nutrient deficiencies
Stress & neurotransmitter profiling
Adrenal fatigue testing – chronic prolonged stress conditions
DNA testing
Testing is utilised when required to help understand the root cause of presenting signs & symptoms.