Jo Morgan

Jo Morgan


Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner

Professional Memberships

  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)

Clinic Address

  • MANLY, NSW 2095
  • Australia
  • Full address available after making a booking.

Business Registration Details

  • Jo Morgan
  • Business Registration Number: 72626803647
Map Not Available


Jo has always treated whoever walked through her door and the conditions and symptoms they arrive with. She is constantly researching and refining treatments for health issues such as dementia, acne, perimenopause, digestion and gut health with great results for her patients. Jo has honed her skills at acute infections since practising apothecary style and often helps individuals and families prepare their immune systems for cold and flu season or before travelling overseas.

Jo opened the Herbadashery 2013 with a focus on making her own herbal remedies and giving her community affordable access to quality herbal medicines. Jo studied Herbal Medicine at Nature Care College and has been in practice for 20 years as a full member of the NHAA. Jo loves making her own range of herbal bitters, elixirs and syrups, bringing herbal medicine into everyday health routines to improve health and vitality.

Over the last 2 years Jo has been studying medical astrology with Kira Sutherland and this has brought a new set of skills and remedies to her practice.

Jo has recently moved the Herbadashery to Brookvale (1/1 Mitchell Rd) and will also practice in Manly on Tuesdays (The Upper Room 4a Eustace St).