Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

Dietitian Nutritionist Physiotherapist

Professional Memberships

  • Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)

Business Registration Details

  • Rebecca Anderson
  • ABN/ACN: 54639607550


Hi and Welcome! I am an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and a Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician. I also have studied Exercise Sports Science and I’m a qualified Physiotherapist. As you can see from my qualifications I have always had a unique fascination with the human body, what makes it tick and how we can assist it to function optimally. However, there were a few years when I was in my early twenties, that this love and passion for wellbeing became obsessive and disordered. I developed an eating disorder which required hospitalisation. I had a lengthy inpatient admission and then attended the day program and all of the specialist appointments that were required for me to progress in recovery. It took me many years to navigate the rocky path to reach full recovery, but I am very proud to say that I have 100% recovered from my eating disorder. I am now an incredibly happy human who has a fabulous relationship with food and my body.

I have extensive experience in working with eating disorder and disordered eating clients; from inpatients to day program and to outpatients – in the private practice setting. I have worked with hundreds if not thousands of woman to help them overcome their eating disorder, regain control of their life and enjoy food again. What I have noticed however is that the traditional model of seeing clients for an initial consultation, then seeing them over subsequent weeks and months for follow up consultations was certainly not the most effective way for the client to achieve their optimal result in the most condensed timeframe possible. There is a huge portion of time between sessions where questions might be thought of, support or guidance required and the need for accountability is high.

I have used my own journey, evidence-based practice, and my own clinical experience to create a program and support service which I wish existed when I was going through recovery, I felt very alone and isolated, like no one really got it. I’m here to let you know that I get it, I truly do; and I would love to hold your hand through the journey from fearing food to food freedom.