Stephanie Malouf

Stephanie Malouf Nutrition


Professional Memberships

  • Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

Clinic Address

  • Rose Bay, NSW 2029
  • Full address available after making a booking.

Business Registration Details

  • Stephanie Malouf Nutrition
  • ABN/ACN: 62948935494
Map Not Available


Hi I’m Stephanie Malouf and I’m dedicated to helping people create healthy relationships with food in order to live a healthy and happy life. Whether it be after years of forming bad eating habits or establishing good ones early on in life. After healing my own body through diet and experiencing first hand the incredible healing powers of food, it wanted to educate others on how to do the same. This led me to completing a Bachelor of Health Science; Nutritional Medicine and setting up my own private practice.

Having worked with hundreds of clients particularly with weight loss, I have come to understand there are two key parts to having a healthy relationship with food; education and a healthy relationship with yourself with a positive mindset.

Food is one life’s greatest pleasures and whilst this can be a positive thing, it can also be used to fill a void and as a distraction from less pleasurable emotions. Your physical health is a direct reflection of how you think, feel and nourish yourself. I have undertaken further studies in the field of psychology in order to help my clients achieve a positive mindset, overcome limiting beliefs and break negative habits. This is often the missing link to an effective long term weight loss and health program and a key driver of stress and emotional eating as well as poor digestion, energy and chronic health issues.