Wai Sann Thi
Wai Sann Thi is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian registered with Dietitians Australia (DA). Wai received her Master of Dietetics and Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science from Curtin University. Wai grew up in Myanmar (Burma) and has called Australia home since 2001. Wai speaks Burmese and English.
Using evidence-based information and best practice guidelines, she is passionate about supporting people in managing their health conditions, making food choices and long-term lifestyle changes that align with their preferences, cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, health goals and outcomes.
Wai has a special interest in chronic disease management such as metabolic diseases (diabetes, prediabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), cardiovascular diseases (cholesterol, hypertension) and women’s health (perimenopause and menopause). Wai has worked with many Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) people from various parts of the world and is always curious about cultural foods and understands that food is an important part of your cultural identity.
Wai is also passionate about helping older adults to age well and healthily. Wai will work with you to make sustainable and realistic dietary changes that enhance your health and quality of life.
Speciality and interest areas
Diabetes, Prediabetes and Insulin Resistance
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Cholesterol management
Blood Pressure management
Healthy Eating
Women’s Health (Perimenopause and Menopause)
Healthy Ageing (older adults)
Multicultural Patients