hayley Barnes

Hayley Barnes


Professional Memberships

  • International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)

Business Registration Details

  • Hayley Barnes
  • ABN/ACN: 18655063004


Hayley is an International Acne Educator for Dermal Nurses, Skin Therapists and Aestheticians in the Skin/Beauty Industry, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbal Medicine Practitioner, CEO of the Skincare Academy Pty Ltd and creator of the well established Advanced Acne to g l o w® online Educational Platform. Hayley holds degrees in Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine with over thirteen (13) years experience in the field of Naturopathy.

Hayley’s intense ten (10) year personal acne journey, inspired Hayley to take matters into her own hands and study to become a double degree qualified Acne Naturopath, finally treating the root cause of her acne and now hundreds of her client's acne. Hayley’s immense passion for education is the basis of her practice. Hayley achieves life changing results for her clients, due to her evidence based practice, holistic approach to treating the internal root cause of acne. Hayley interprets acne as a clinical sign representing a larger internal health challenge that needs to be addressed. Hayley interprets Acne as the bodies way of sending a ‘help signal’, alarming the client to address the root cause of their acne internally.

Hayley is very passionate about treating the root cause of acne internally and in doing so, Hayley has seen multiple clients prevent chronic health challenges, support their overall health/wellness on a deeper level and off course achieve their dream clear skin. This is the biggest gift Hayley can give to her clients. Supporting her clients witness the innate healing power of their bodies and true potential to thrive.